ExtendMax won "Best Market Access Consultancy Firm" award

With endless efforts and always being appreciated by customers, ExtendMax Vietnam Co., Ltd. has won the "Best Market Access Consultancy Firm 2020 - Southeast Asia" - award selected by APAC Insider magazine of AI group Global Media Limited (British).

Currently, ExtendMax's market access consulting scope include the follows:

(1) MIC Telecom and radio Type Approval

(2) MOST Safety and EMC Type Approval

(3) MIC Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

(4) MOIT Energy Efficiency (VNEEP) DoC

(5) PQIR for ITE & radio devices

(6) Local testing services (including battery test at its own laboratory)

(7) Dealer license and import permit for cyber security products

(8) Dealer license and import permit for civil cryptography products

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